Dear Nairobi residents are you aware of Petition No.116 of 2016 by the Waste Management Association of Kenya (WEMAK) in the High Court of Kenya, Nairobi Constitutional ans Human Rights Division that prevents implementation of Nairobi City County Solid Waste Management Act 2015. The petition prevents the empowerment of the County Executive in-Charge of the Environment, to inter alia create zones for County waste management. It also prevents issuance of licences for waste transportation and disposal. Lastly, Petition No. 116 of 2016 prevents imposition of levies on polluters. Senator Mike Sonko, Hon. Peter Kenneth, Miguna Miguna among the other competitors namely Geoffrey Wanyoike, Micheal Mutinda and Kamau Macharia have all refused to acknowledge that the Nairobi City County Solid Waste Management Act 2015 is the only legitimate tool to ensure proper garbage collection and waste management in the city because it was passed by the county assembly comprised of both Jubilee and...
While there has been pomp and fanfare over the selection of Polycarp Igathe as the running mate for Senator Mike Sonko’s gubernatorial bid, Vivo Energy is suffering immediate brand backlash following the stunt Sonko pulled of visiting its offices to introduce his choice for deputy governor. In a letter dated Tuesday May 16 to the staff members at Vivo Energy, Polycarp Igathe stated: "I have been invited by the Jubilee Party to stand alongside Hon. Mike Sonko Mbuvi as his running mate during the August 8 elections. I discussed the invitation to run for public office with Christian Chammas. Christian has given me his full support and I am excited about the opportunity to move into a political career," Chammas, the Vivo Energy CEO for Africa and chairman of Vivo Mauritius, has however been left with a dilemma that despite his goodwill towards his employee, the stunt Sonko pulled of coming to their offices while taking pictures with staff will make the company look...
Mike Sonko is known for all the bad reasons: Moral decay, thuggish lifestyle, irresponsible utterances and violence among other unpleasant issues. The media well knows him for his uncouth adulterous behavior. The people of Nairobi have suffered a lot when it comes to their representation in the senate. The leader they elected for being famous turned up to be a lover boy hovering with the Nairobi Women Rep Rachel Shebesh in various hotels and beaches. Earlier in the week, in a fancy display of romance, Sonko was seen comfortably carrying Shebesh's handbag as he escorted her from the Nairobi Hospital, a role that was supposed to have been performed by the husband or bodyguards to the women rep. Mike Sonko has zero qualities of being a leader. He is a bad influence to young people and needs to respect married women. Any sober Kenyan would agree with me that such romantic affairs would derail service delivery in public offices.
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