Sources within the Mike Sonko TV team were overheard laughing at how easy it is to lie to the Nairobi public. In the war of perceptions they claimed that Nairobians easily believe any video they come across and don’t ask questions. That is why their candidate Senator Mike Sonko has really invested in their videography work.
It has emerged that following the backlash from Eastleigh the team had to devise another strategy to show Nairobians that they dump the litter at the Dandora site after residents from Eastlands had protested that the Sonko Rescue Team had been dumping the litter in the estates.
The team is said to have one lorry they display in their promotional videos which they sent to Dandora. They then secretly videotaped garbage collectors as they dumped at the site. The garbage collectors are now up in arms about how they were secretly recorded after they innocently accepted Sonko Rescue Team reflectors as a matter of courtesy.

One dumpsite operator said, “Mike Sonko anahatarisha maisha yetu na hizo video zake bonoko. Anakujanga na lorry moja hapa kupiga siasa na amesahau day by day hapa ni gangland.”


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