Migori County is mosaic in nature. This a county that reflects the face of Kenya with almost every tribe represented. There has been equitable distribution of resources by the current county administration. This has ensured that there is totally no conflict in the County.

Governor Zachary Okoth Obado has a legacy to be associated with and that's building of various technical training institutions within the county to impart skills on the youth and make them self reliant.

Migori town and the outskirts of the cbd is well lit. Businesses go on 24 hours a day,insecurity cases minimized.

Agricultural production doubled and food security enhanced.For example the Mirare Agricultural training college that has continued to produce experts.

Youth empowerment has been the priority of the Governor through Holding seminars and providing starting capital to various youth groups and women groups.

All the secondary schools in Migori County benefited from the county bursaries and the teachers can attest to this.

A part from his vigour,zeal and temerity, Governor Okoth Obado is also a brave politician, his re-election is inevitable.

Collins Omondi
Resident of Migori


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